
Promoting Chinese criminology and criminal justice research, teaching, and learning


Promoting Chinese criminology and criminal justice research, teaching, and learning

About Us

The Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice in the United States (ACCCJ) was established on November 17, 2010, in San Francisco, USA. ACCCJ is a non-profit, non-political international academic organization aimed at promoting criminological research in Chinese and Chinese-speaking communities, serving its members, expanding exchanges, nurturing new talents, and fostering friendships.

ACCCJ currently has over 100 active members from the United States, China, and various parts of the world, making it the largest academic organization focused on Chinese criminology globally. Several members of ACCCJ are recognized as the most cited scholars in the field of international criminology. The association has its own listserv ( and holds its annual general meeting and board meeting during the American Society of Criminology (ASC) annual meetings every November. It also organizes panel discussions on Chinese criminology at the ASC annual meetings. ACCCJ publishes its Research Bulletin and newsletters, and hosts young scholar workshops and graduate student paper competitions to encourage young researchers to actively engage in studies related to Chinese criminology. ACCCJ has various awards to recognize scholars and students who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Chinese criminology.

ACCCJ regularly organizes academic trips to the Chinese Mainland and other regions. ACCCJ has visited multiple universities in the Chinese Mainland including Peking University, Zhejiang University, Nankai University, People’s Public Security University of China, Wuhan University, and Hunan University, among others. ACCCJ has also visited universities in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, such as the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Macau, National Chung Cheng University, Central Police University, and National Taipei University. ACCCJ hopes to continue engaging in various academic exchange activities with universities worldwide through lectures, seminars, and teaching opportunities.

We welcome scholars from around the world who are interested in researching crime and criminal justice in Chinese societies to join us. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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Recent Highlights

ACCCJ Leadership Forum

ASC 2024

ACCCJ panel

ASC 2024

ACCCJ Roundtable Discussion

ASC 2024


ASC 2024 - San Francisco, CA

As part of this year’s ASC Annual Meetings, the ACCCJ Board has curated a remarkable lineup of events and sessions for you.

ACCCJ-ASC Program 2024
2023 Awards Winners

ACCCJ is happy to announce the awards winners of 2023. Check out more information below!

Awards Recipients Highlight