
ACCCJ Rule regarding Donation and Naming Rights

(Effective March 1, 2023; Amended on March 26, 2024)

To ensure the rights and responsibilities of those who donate funds to ACCCJ, this Rule stipulates that a donor may request to grant naming rights to the Donor in connection to an award or a program, so long that the following conditions are met.

A “Donor” refers to an individual, a group of individuals, or an institution, who are members or non-members of ACCCJ and wish to donate funds to ACCCJ. Naming right refers to a name (either a Donor’s name or a Donor’s approved name) designated to an award or a program as a recognition for the Donor’s generosity and support for ACCCJ.

Conditions for obtaining a naming right for an award:

  1. Donated fund is for a period of 5 years, sufficient for at least one award per year (e.g., if $200 is designated for a Student Service Award, and one award is given per year, the total amount of donation will be $1,000 to be eligible for the naming right);
  2. The minimum donation for a 5-year period is $1,000; the amount should be paid in full in the beginning of the award;
  3. The Donor may designate the amount of fund per award, and the number of awards per year;
  4. The Donor may specify the purpose and qualifications for the award (e.g., a recipient must be a graduating doctoral student with a minimum 3.5 GPA) upon the ACCCJ Board’s approval.  Donors have the rights to express their expectations during the award establishment phase but should (or shall) not participate in or intervene the decision-making process by the awards committee; it is advisable for the awards committee, upon a recommendation of any committee member, to consult with donors when issues arise that are directly related to the donors’ stipulated requirements for the award;
  5. The Donor will receive a receipt for the donated amount from ACCCJ. Please note that ACCCJ is granted federal tax exempt status. Thus, any donation made to ACCCJ could be used for potential tax benefits;
  6. The Donor is invited to the award ceremony, (co)-delivering the award to the recipient (s), and having pictures taken with the awardee(s);
  7. The Donor may be featured in ACCCJ newsletter and other social media platforms;
  8. Naming right may be renewed for another 5 years. The Donor has the priority to continue supporting the award by furnishing an additional 5-year to the existing award funds at the end of the 5th year;
  9. At the end of the 5th year, if no additional funds from the donor are added to the Award fund, the ACCCJ Board may decide to remove the Donor’s name from the Award and/or rename it after another Donor;
  10. ACCCJ Board may provide matching funds/ or accept funds from other sources to increase the number or amount of the award at any time without Donor’s approval; Such additional funds do not affect the donor’s naming right.

Conditions for obtaining a naming right for a program:

  1. Donated fund is for a period of 5 years, sufficient for at least one activity/event per year in support of the program operation;
  2. All other conditions are similar to the name right for an award, as the above.