
A Brief History of ACCCJ

During the 2009 American Society of Criminology (ASC) annual conference in Philadelphia, a group of scholars dined at the restaurant Joy Shin Lau in Chinatown and discussed the formation of an association devoted to Chinese criminology and criminal justice. The idea and enthusiasm were quickly spread to other conference participants and the preparation for a new association, mainly the development of its bylaws, started right after the conference.

After a year of preparation, the Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice (ACCCJ) was officially established on November 17, 2010 in San Francisco. A total of 32 scholars from the U.S. U.K., China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau attended the inaugural meeting during which board of directors were elected. Seven members served the first board, including President Liqun Cao, President-elect Shanhe Jiang, Treasurer Bin Liang and directors Xiaogang Deng, Bill Hebenton, Hong Lu and Ivan Sun. The total number of ACCCJ grew rapidly over 50 during the conference.

During 2010-2011, ACCCJ drafted and enacted its bylaws and election rules. The association established its email group and website and registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Texas. The first issue of ACCCJ newsletter was published and the association had its first institutional member, the Institute of Criminology, Hunan University. ACCCJ started organizing its own panels/roundtables at ASC in 2011. In 2014, ACCCJ began organizing a summer delegation to Chinese societies and giving the Student Paper Award. In the spring of 2017, ACCCJ launched its new website, which has greatly improved its publicity and services to members.


经过一年的筹备,2010年11月17日华人社会犯罪学研究会在美国旧金山正式成立,来自美国,英国,中国大陆,台湾,香港,澳门等地的32位学生学者参加了成立大会,会中,并选举第一届理事,包括会长曹立群,预备会长江山河,财务梁斌,理事邓晓刚,畢兒(Bill Hebenton),陆红与孙懿贤。在随后的几天中,会员人数增长到50多位。

2010-2011年间,华人社会犯罪学研究会通过了学会章程與选举法规,完成了自己的社团通讯组与网站,在德克萨斯州完成社团登记注册,发表了第一期“会员通讯”,发展了第一个中国的团体会员- 湖南大学犯罪学研究所,2011年起在美国犯罪学学会的年会上组织了自己的讨论会, 2014年开始组暑假代表团赴华人社会参访,同年学会开始颁发学生论文奖。2017年春季,推出全新设计的网站,有效提高学会知名度与会员服务。

Previous Speakers at the Annual Meeting at ASC

2022: Val Jenness

2021 (online conference): Lawrence Sherman, John Braithwaite

2019: Ruth Peterson

2018: David Weisburd

2017: Francis T. Cullen

2016: Steven F. Messner