
Jiang Outstanding Student Paper Award


Xiaoshuang “Iris” Luo, University of California, Irvine

An Empirical Test of Procedural Fairness, Legitimacy and Public Cooperation with the Police in China


Yunran Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Control, peer effects, and normalization of recreational drug use in China: Gender as a moderator


Shuai Wei, University of Cambridge
Gendered Justice in China: Victim-Offender Mediation as the “Different Voice” of Female Judges

Weidi Liu, University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Honorable Mention)
Situational Action Theory and School Bullying: A Case in the Far East


Tobias Smith, University of California, Berkeley
Partial Disclosure: Secrecy and Transparency in Chinese Death Penalty Decisions

Xiaoshuang Luo, University of California, Irvine (Honorable Mention)
Gender and Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization: A Comparison of American and Chinese College Students


Brandie Pugh & Luye Li, University of Delaware
Understanding of Why Women Stay in Physically Abusive Relationships: A Comparative Study of Chinese and American College Students

Yan Zhang, The Australia National University
Police Discretion and Restorative Justice in China: Stories from the Street-level Police

*Two awards were given this year.


Lin Liu, University of Delaware
Police officers’ attitudes toward citizens in China


Award was not given.


Luye Li, University of Delaware
Tolerance of Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Students’ Attitudes