President’s Service Award

Call for applications/nominations (2024 application deadline: August 1, 2024)

The President’s Service Award is given to recognize distinguished contributions and services to ACCCJ. 

Both nominees and nominators must be current ACCCJ members by the nomination deadline, and self-nominations are acceptable. Nominees must demonstrate a strong service record to promote the values and missions of ACCCJ and be devoted to Chinese criminology and criminal justice in the areas of research, teaching, and mentoring. Prior recipients of the President’s Service Award are not eligible for this award. Nominees must not be a member of the President’sService Award Committee. 

The committee may decide to either give out the award or not give out the award, in any given year. Applications will be evaluated based on outstanding services and contributions to the ACCCJ. Nomination documents include a cover letter describing the nominee’s eligibility for the award, a curriculum vitae that highlights achievements in the areas of research, teaching, and service with an emphasis on services and contributions to the ACCCJ (three pages maximum), and a reference letter highlighting the nominee’s research, teaching, and service contributions, particularly to the ACCCJ.

Shanhe Jiang Outstanding Student Paper Award

Call for applications/nominations (2024 application deadline: August 1, 2024)

The Shanhe Jiang Outstanding Student Paper Award is given to recognize an outstanding student paper on a topic related to criminology and criminal justice in Greater China(e.g., mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau) or Chinese residents and immigrants and/or their communities overseas. 

This award is named after Dr. Shanhe Jiang of Wayne State University who made a generous donation to ACCCJ in 2014. The recipient will be recognized at the ACCCJ general member meeting and receive a $300 cash award along with a plaque. 

The ACCCJ Board may decide not to make the award in any given year. The ACCCJ Board will review and vote on the Committee’s recommendation. The Committee will conduct a double-blind review to rate and rank submissions according to criteria such as the significance of the topic, quality of the conceptualization, clarity, and effectiveness of the methods, quality of the writing, and contribution to the ACCCJ’s main interests. Nomination materials should include a cover letter and CV, an electronic copy of the paper(30 pages or less, published after January 1, 2021, or an unpublished article-length paper written in English), and proof of the student’s current enrollment. Prior recipients of the Shanhe Jiang Outstanding Student Paper Awards are ineligible for this award. 

Steven F. Messner Outstanding Book Award

Call for applications/nominations (2024 application deadline: August 1, 2024)

The Steven F. Messner Outstanding Book Award is given to recognize an outstanding published book/monograph on a topic related to criminology and criminal justice in the greater China (e.g., mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau) or Chinese residents and immigrants and/or their communities overseas.

This award is named after Dr. Steven F. Messner of the University at Albany, SUNY,  who made a generous donation to ACCCJ. The award will be recognized at the ACCCJ general member meeting and receive a $500 cash award along with an award certificate.

The application materials include a cover letter, a CV, and one copy of the book/monograph. Copies of nominated books must be made available and sent to the members of the award committee by the submission deadline.

The Award Committee will rate and rank based on contributions to criminology and criminal justice and/or policy implications. However, the committee may decide not to recommend the award in any given year. The ACCCJ Board will review and vote on the committee’s recommendation.

Ivan Sun Young Scholar Outstanding Research Award

Call for applications/nominations (2024 application deadline: August 1, 2024)

The Ivan Sun Young Scholar Outstanding Research Award is given to recognize a young scholar’s outstanding scholarly contributions to the literature of criminology and criminal justice in Greater China (e.g., mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau) or Chinese residents and immigrants and/or their communities overseas. 

This award is named after Dr. Ivan Sun of the University of Delaware who made a generous donation to ACCCJ in 2023. The award will be recognized at the ACCCJ general member meeting and receive a $500 cash award along with an award certificate. 

Nominees must be individuals who received their doctoral degree within the past five years (for this year the degree must have been awarded after May 2018), untenured faculty members, and ACCCJ members by the award nomination deadline. Nominees must demonstrate scholarly contributions including, but are not limited to, articles, books, monographs, book chapters, or grants to scholarly associations, and must not be a member of the Award Committee. The nomination materials include a nomination letter by a senior scholar, the nominees’ curriculum vita (including the entire research record after graduating from the Ph.D. program), and up to two published works (e.g., articles, books, etc.). Self-nominations are not acceptable. 

Hong Lu Outstanding Student Service Award

Call for applications/nominations (2024 application deadline: August 1, 2024)

The Hong Lu Outstanding Student Service Award is given to recognize outstanding contributions and services to ACCCJ. This award is named after Dr. Hong Lu of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who made a generous donation to ACCCJ in 2023. The awardee(s) will be recognized at the annual ACCCJ award ceremony and receive an up to $200 cash award along with a certificate. 

The nominee must be an ACCCJ member by the award nomination deadline and a full-time graduate student and demonstrate a strong service record to promote the values and missions of ACCCJ (the Nominee’s entire service record is considered). Prior recipients of Hong Lu Outstanding Student Service Awards are eligible for this award. The nominee must not be a member of the Award Committee. The nominator must be a current or past ACCCJ Board member. Self-nominations are not acceptable. Nomination materials should include a cover letter by the nominator, a reference letter by the nominator or a supervisor of the nominee, and the nominee’s curriculum vitae. 

The Award Committee will come up with a rating rubric to rate and rank candidates based on outstanding services and contributions to ACCCJ and other significant service activities. Multiple awardees may be given at the Committee’s discretion. If multiple awardees are chosen, the $200 cash award will be evenly distributed to awardees. However, the Committee may decide not to recommend the award in any given year. The ACCCJ Board will review and vote on the Committee’s recommendation. 

ACCCJ Student Travel Award

Call for applications/nominations (2024 application deadline: August 1, 2024)

Application form

The ACCCJ Student Travel Award is given to up to three awards to promote greater student participation in the activities of ACCCJ. The Award also helps students gain valuable experience and exposure from attending and presenting at the ASC meetings. Each award is $300, which can be used to cover conference registration, travel, and/or accommodation expenses associated with attending the annual concurrent ACCCJ and ASC meetings. 

Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student and an ACCCJ member by the award nomination deadline. Applicants must participate in the ASC conference by presenting a paper (or poster) and attending the ACCCJ Annual General Meeting. Recipients of the ACCCJ Student Travel Awards in the prior two years are ineligible. Application materials should include the ACCCJ Student Travel Award application form, a copy of the ASC presentation acceptance letter, and a curriculum vitae.

The Award Committee will review the applications thoroughly. Priority may be given to students who are presenting as a sole- or leading author of a paper over students who are non-presenting coauthors of a paper. Priority may also be given to students who have not received this award previously and who do not have funding support from other sources. If an award is declined by an individual selected, the Committee may select an alternate from the pool of applications received for that year. However, the Committee may decide not to recommend the award in any given year.